ISon – Interactive Sonification 2016

ISon workshop, Bielefeld, 15-16 December 2016

Roberto Bresin (KTH) is part of the organizing and scientific committee of ISon – Interactive Sonification workshop 2016 in Bielefeld.
This is the fifth ISon workshop after those in Bielefeld, (2004) York (2007), Stockholm (2010), Erlangen (2013).

Atlante del gesto_Genova 2016

A project in collaboration with Virgilio Sieni per la città di Genova

Si può riavvicinare e ricomporre oggi una comunità che nel corso del tempo ha perso il senso della relazione?

28 Novembre 2016 - Teatro dell'Archivolto

Laboratorio con Virgilio Sieni - Atlante del gesto_Genova:  Bando per i Danzatori   Scheda di partecipazione per i Danzatori

28 Novembre 2016 - Palazzo Ducale

Atlante del Gesto_Genova - Un progetto di Virgilio Sieni per la città di Genova:  Bando per il Pubblico   Scheda di partecipazione per il Pubblico

Incontro di presentazione del progetto a cura di Virgilio Sieni e Antonio Camurri

Download: PDF  

5th EyesWeb Week, Casa Paganini, Genoa

An intensive one week tutorial focused on the EyesWeb XMI open software platform, 6-10 June 2016

Developed at InfoMus Lab, EyesWeb XMI is designed to be used in scientific and technological research and development of innovative multimodal interfaces, systems, and different applications (e.g., for therapy and rehabilitation, artistic production, active experience of cultural heritage, and education).
Within this tutorial, organised by Casa Paganini - InfoMus, a special session was dedicated to DANCE project, including presentation and discussion of the capture technologies (in particular IMUs), of the developed movement analysis algorithms, and of different sonifications of movement qualities such as equilibrium and fluidity.

MoCap Sessions

DANCE vocabulary of expressive qualities of movement: the collaboration with the choreographer Virgilio Sieni

A project on the study and multimodal recordings of a repository of expressive movement qualities started in 2015. This resulted in a repository of multimodal recordings of motion capture, accelerometers, video, and audio data of Virgilio (February and May 2015).
Virgilio Sieni multimodal repository Casa Paganini-InfoMus consists of about 150 dance fragments on expressive qualities of movement. An example of "frailty" and lightness" qualities is shown in the following figure:

Genova OutsideR DanceR Festival, Blind Sight, Genoa, 24 May 2016

In collaboration with the Goethe Institut of Genoa, the contemporary dance performance “Blind Sight” of the choreographer Sagi Gross and his international company GrossDanceCompany is performed at InfoMus Lab in Casa Paganini, Genoa. The spectacle is devoted to the impact that technological and social developments have on human relationships. The event brought to Casa Paganini more than 100 spectators and it got several positive outcomes in Italian papers and electronic medias.


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